Maud Faassen - Angyvir Pagilla
Unfolding time
'Unfolding Time' was made in collaboration between Angyvir Padilla and Maud Faassen.
The Venezuelan Angyvir Padilla graduated from Sint-Lucas in Brussels, among others. The Dutch Maud Faassen studied at Fontys School of the Arts in Tilburg.
They meet through the art initiative Kunstpodium-T in Tilburg.
Angyvir Padilla works with different materials to capture memories and replace time. Maud Faassen also works a lot with performances and the traces they leave behind. This shared interest in time and everything it leaves behind in the form of memories and traces forms the basis for the dialogue of 'Unfolding Time'.
Behind the museum, the traces of time through time and its seasons will be captured in a land art installation. The installation will be in one-to-one relationship with the museum itself. In addition, the materials used will be obtained from the immediate Meuse landscape. In the museum itself, these materials and the associated landscape will take center stage. This initiates dialogue and captures time from the immediate environment.
From August 29 to October 31.
Ans Verdijk's art depot can be permanently viewed in ALARM.